Article, posts, thoughts etc.. Glitch, Stackblitz and more ? Trying out two of the best online IDE and PaaS for full stack development My Experience with BBS Exploring what it feels like setting up a BBS in the 2020s. Technical challenges, functionalities and how similar it is to the actual BBS. 2022: too many twos Planning 2022 Revisiting the Birth of Internet Announcing a series of articles, Targeted towards the generation that was born in the internet age and missed out on gems like BBS, Usenet, IRC, LAN parties etc. What are DAOs ? exploring the definition of DAO Fediverse and Web 3.0 Finding a common theme in multiple web3 definitions and exploring where fediverse fits Age of Empire II AI Expert System: Part I Trying basic scripts and getting familiar with documentation Age of Empire II AI Expert System Introduction to AoE AI building system «« « 1 2 3 4 5 » »»
Glitch, Stackblitz and more ? Trying out two of the best online IDE and PaaS for full stack development
My Experience with BBS Exploring what it feels like setting up a BBS in the 2020s. Technical challenges, functionalities and how similar it is to the actual BBS.
Revisiting the Birth of Internet Announcing a series of articles, Targeted towards the generation that was born in the internet age and missed out on gems like BBS, Usenet, IRC, LAN parties etc.
Fediverse and Web 3.0 Finding a common theme in multiple web3 definitions and exploring where fediverse fits
Age of Empire II AI Expert System: Part I Trying basic scripts and getting familiar with documentation